Monday, June 3, 2013

Tolstoy's house...and fish

We went to Tolstoy's house last week. We weren't allowed to take pictures you only get the outside, sorry. Maybe you know, or maybe you don't, that Tolstoy was of noble blood. He could have lived in a greater location, with a much more spectacular home. However, much to the opposition of his wife, he chose to live in the industrial area of the time. His home is extremely humble for what he could have had. Not only was he of noble blood, but he was also the Dalai Lama of Russia. Hundreds of thousands of "fans" would seek him out. I'm not going to delve into too much Tolstoy history, there's wikipedia if you're interested. little story. His older brother used to tell him and his siblings that there was a 'green stick' in the forest, which would bring you good luck and happiness in life forever if you find it. It could also bring a Golden Age of humanity. No misery, no disease, etc. He and his siblings would try to find it, but after a while his siblings forgot about the legend. Tolstoy never forgot. Two years before his death, Tolstoy dictated to his secretary, N.N. Gusev, the following: "Although it is a trifling matter, yet I wish to say something that I should like done after my death. Even though it is a trifle of trifles: let no ceremonies be performed in putting my body into the earth. A wooden coffin, and whoever wishes, carry it or cart it to Zakaz, opposite the ravine at the place of the 'green stick.' At least, there's a reason for selecting that and no other place." Tolstoy is now buried, no gravemarker, in a remote forest.

Later that day, my best Russian friend, Sasha (Russian short for Alexander), brought my roommate and me dried fish from Saratov (which is where he is from). It is apparently a delicacy, and I apparently have a very unsophisticated palate. I'm just proud I tried it, okay?? So salty. Hope I didn't offend him. Sasha's English is the best I've encountered here so far, but that's not saying much and it's still funny trying to communicate with him. He's studying economy here. If I'm being honest, he's not so awful to look at, either. 

...Don't worry, mom, I'm not too distracted...have a feeling you'll comment on that. Think of it as good conversational practice.


  1. The Tolstoy story of green stick wonderful anecdote. You are learning so much. Have you read much Tolstoy? Alexander looks very nice. Does he ever want to visit USC? That would be fun to have him visit with us some summer. How did you meet him? Sorry, fish looks awful. Good for you for trying!!

    1. Yes, he wants to visit LA. He's actually thinking of coming in November. Berenice, Andy, and I really like him and want him to experience some American football and LA. He "dreams of living in LA".

  2. Oh, Kate, I can't tell you how much I am enjoying all of this. It is like taking a class with you as the professor! So many details I've never known. Yes, some really treacherous, horrific and sad things. Very, very interesting...and your writing is wonderful! Glad you have friends to travel around with, spend learning and fun times, practice Russian and eat new things. Even if some of the food is yukky, it's good you've tried it. I'm sure you'll appreciate a good ol' hamburger when you return...or a steak! I tried one bite of a "thousand year old egg" in China. That was a first and last. Onward, young woman! Love you.

  3. Yes a burger would be GREAT. And some good Mexican food...
