Monday, June 3, 2013

Hangover III

I probably get along with Andy the best of everyone in our group. We went to Ashan, which is a huge mall two metro stops from the Academy. We worked out at the gym there, walked around for a bit, got some lunch. Then, we decided why not see a movie in Russian? Then we found out that there are bars in the movie theaters! What's a Russian movie with out a few shots of Vodka, right? We saw Hangover III. I'm very interested to see it in English now to see how it translates. Pretty amusing to hear the cast, especially Bradley Cooper, with dubbed over Russian voices.



  1. Yes, funny! What are tasty emotions??!! Is Andy a USC Russian student? Or other major? Must of been fun to try to translate the movie. Although, if Hangover III is like the others, words, dialogue not necessary! Watching Bradley Cooper is all I would need.

    1. I'm still trying to figure out what tasty emotions are....Andy is a productions major in the cinema school. His parents are Russian, though.
