Monday, May 13, 2013

Not there yet...

Здравствуйте! (Zdravstvootye/Hello)

Less than a week before I venture to Mother Russia. Just thought I'd make my blog now to get in the mindset of journaling daily and to procrastinate more important things like studying for my last two finals. So welcome to my blog! In a week it will have much more interesting content. Hopefully it will feel like you are in Russia with me.

-Катя (Katya/Kate)


  1. So exciting, and I'm so envious! Will be official when you snap a photo in Red Square! Maybe then, it will hit you!

  2. So excited for you! Have fun!

  3. I am so excited for you! What an experience. Can't wait to read your blog each day and see your photos. Keep us posted!

  4. Sitting on our couch, watching Game of Thrones for the first time without you... I think it just sank in... YOU ARE ALMOST TO RUSSIA! Well, not really, I think you have about 6 hours of flying time left lol. Take lots of photos of the awesome times ahead!!!

  5. Apple Rep says to hold down home button and power button together at the same time for at least 25 seconds for a forced start. Did that work? Have you tried? How are you feeling? Flight go well?Please post on your blog or email. Apple says there is no Apple Store in Moscow. Do you have an address if we need to FedEx you a new phone?

  6. On a search on google, they say there is an Apple Store in Russia. Look it up if your phone still won't work after trying the forced start. Can you use someone else's phone to send us a quick message that you are OK, please. Or post something on this blog. Is your laptop not working, too??!!

  7. Sorry to hear that you are still sick. Please sip liquids so you keep hydrated. Even just sips. More if you can. PLEASE EAT SOME BREAD OR CRACKERS. Gatorade if they have it. Night there, so try to get some sleep. Do classes start tomorrow? Go with Tatianna to the health center if you are not better.Who are your roommates? Some first impressions, other than being sick?
