Monday, May 20, 2013

Made it!

Well that had to be the most miserable traveling experience...stomach flu+12 hour flight couldn't be a worse combination. So far I have not been able to keep down food or liquid since Saturday. Fortunately, there's a медицинская клиника downstairs (medical clinic). Also, my phone somehow just turned off even though it was fully charged. Tried the button combo thing, but nothing is turning it on. There's also a very loud thunderstorm outside!! What is all this?! Staying optimistic, though. It will be a funny story at some point...


  1. Yes, someday it will be funny!!! I hope! Remember you did not get a Russia sim card for your phone I don't think? Some have mentioned this now that you are in Russia, it won't work with a US sim card.

    Can you use Marsha's phone, an unlocked GSM cell phone with 2MP camera? You did bring it, right? Let me know.

    Hope you are feeling better! Please keep us posted. Love. Mom.

  2. So how do you feel? Are you up for orientation? I just tried to skype you, but I guess you have your laptop closed? Let us know how you are doing. Love you. Mom.

  3. Let us know how you are feeling. If we email you, does USC push the emails or do you have to check your email? So check your email daily. Easier than trying to post on this blog. Is Tatianna helping with you getting medical help and a camera/phone?

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Yes, please just email me instead of posting on the blog. Also, I can't reply right away all the time. I understand you're worried, but we just woke up and are getting ready for orientation. I can't be available on Skype all the time.

  6. Sad face :-/ After all, they do say it's the most beautiful after the storm, so get your camera ready and prepare yourself! Just think... when your tummy is all better, all that Russian food is going to taste better than you've ever imagine. (Can you sense the optimistic theme I'm going for here?)
