Thursday, May 23, 2013

It calls to me.

So here is my favorite building on the trip so far (not saying much since it's only been a few days, but still). I feel like there's just so much to this building. It was built to be modern and fantastic, but now it's deserted. I'll take more pictures from different views later, but you get the idea. If you hadn't noticed based on my pictures, it has been extremely foggy and grey here. This morning we couldn't see out our window due to the fog.

In other news... yesterday I had my first class (my class goes from 9-10:50, and it's just me and the professor). It was intimidating of course at first, and I left feeling a little discouraged even though the professor is extremely nice. Fortunately, to boost my confidence, later that day I went out and about with a beginner and successfully helped her with several transactions. We came back and met up with some of the others and attempted to watch the latest Die Hard (which takes place in Moscow). It was AWFUL. I love corny action movies (Expendables), but Die Hard was just unbearable. So inaccurate! Well, except the horrendous driving and traffic. LA traffic is a dream. But isn't that part of the charm of going to other countries? They help you appreciate things you normally wouldn't in your own.

So halfway through the movie I decided time would be better spent studying. So I studied for a little bit and fell asleep. Exhausted. I have never felt so completely dead mentally and physically.

So far today is going well. Class was a lot better. Fluency is improving...comprehension is getting there. Not sure what is in store for me this afternoon, but this evening at 6:30pm I'll be attending a political science lecture with my professor. She just wants me to get used to hearing the language more.

I'm still not used to all the staring.


1 comment:

  1. Yes, I am sure it is different hearing Russian spoken by the natives. It will take awhile to get your ear tuned to the language. So glad your professor is making you get comfortable with the language. How marvelous you have like a private tutor!! Take full advantage of that!! Give yourself time with jet lag and being so the dreary fog. I see in weather reports it is to be sunny starting this weekend. Your blog is EXCELLENT!! Thank you!!
